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Consciously There
Balancing Mind, Body, and Soul in Every Moment
Living with awareness and intention, bringing balance to all aspects of being—mind, body, and soul—through conscious presence.
Barbara Blanco
Self-regulation and Co-regulation
Nourishing and regulating the nervous system to create a sense of safety with others and within ourselves. Our nervous system remembers...
Barbara Blanco
What we Experienced in Our Earliest Relationships Affects Our Adult Relationships
As human beings, connection is a basic need. Initially, we learn to connect with our caregivers, as we need them to survive, physically...
Barbara Blanco
What is my Child Trying to Tell me Through Their Behaviour?
Parenting is a constant process of learning and growth, a journey which allows a parent and child to learn from each other. When...
Barbara Blanco
Overprotection: Is my Parenting Motivated by Love or Fear?
Protection comes from love, overprotection arises from fear. When we move through anxiety, our fears are projected and transmitted onto...
Barbara Blanco
Children and Grief
There is no right or wrong way to grieve; this process is an individual experience. Healing takes time, and it isn’t linear. Children...
Barbara Blanco
Breaking the Circle: Creating Space for Real Connection.
Did anyone make you feel rejected or scared in the past? Did you lose someone special? What’s your most painful experience? Think about...
Barbara Blanco
If You Trust Your Emotions, They will Take Care of You
Each culture has unspoken rules about emotions, and a lot of them encourage people to camouflage or ignore them. We need to move away...
Barbara Blanco
Let’s Talk About Consent and Boundaries
We should frame conversations with children about their bodies and consent. Abuse happens and it’s never too early or too late to...
Barbara Blanco
Help your Child Talk with You
We should concentrate on having conversations with children. Research has shown that the brain structure of young children changes when...
Barbara Blanco
Understanding Stress
Everything feels urgent, but nothing is so important, not really. Perhaps you are caught up in to-do lists, thoughts, endless emails, and...
Barbara Blanco
12 Ways to Show Respect for Your Child
The word ‘respect’ comes from the latin word ‘respectus’ meaning consideration and regard. Respect is a two-way street. When we model...
Barbara Blanco
Fostering Independence
Giving choices and trusting in their abilities is key to fostering independence. Children need to use their voices and make decisions. I...
Barbara Blanco
3 Tips to Build a Strong Bond with your Child
When was the last time you went for a long walk with your family? When was the last time you played with your child? When was the last...
Barbara Blanco
Good Communication at Home: Assertiveness
Communication is an essential building block of a strong relationship. There is nothing wrong with having problems between family...
Barbara Blanco
Healthy Habits for Children: 4 Ideas to Find a Balance
'Healthy life' means that both physical and mental health are in balance and functioning well together. They are closely linked so a...
Barbara Blanco
Punishment: Why it is not Effective
Punishment promotes an education based on fear and prevents learning. There are more effective ways to help children. Getting children to...
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